164 Funny And Relatable Memes

Memes are more than just entertainment. If you scroll through Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, then you've surely noticed how mainstream they've become—memes dominate our newsfeeds more than actual news itself. Whether they come as images or videos, they can be political, satirical, comical, pretty much anything you can imagine, and they not only make us laugh, but have the ability to identify a common feeling, experience, or opinion as well. I mean, how many times have you seen a funny meme and thought 'that is so me'? And then tagged your friend in the comments? It's this that makes memes such a popular cultural phenomenon: they're both personal and universal. To see what I mean, scroll through this relatable memes list compiled by Bored Panda—you'll see that even seemingly harmless, funny memes can open up doors to more serious topics.



The term meme was coined in 1976 by British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in his work The Selfish Gene. Dawkins conceived of memes as the cultural parallel to biological genes and considered them, in a manner similar to "selfish" genes, as being in control of their own reproduction, thus serving their own ends. 


Image credits: CapnChiknNugget


Image credits: northbipolar

So in those terms, memes carry information, are replicated, and are transmitted from one person to another, and have the ability to evolve. Memes mutate at random, undergoing natural selection, and can take a variety of forms, such as an idea, a skill, a behaviour, a phrase, or a particular fashion.



The replication and transmission of a meme occurs when one person copies cultural information from another person. It is carried out primarily by means of verbal, visual, or electronic communication, ranging from books and conversation to television, e-mail, or the Internet. Naturally, those memes that are most successful in being copied and transmitted become the most prevalent within a culture.


Image credits: tteeggeerr


Image credits: dailyhood

The exploration of relationships between cultural evolution, cultural transmission, and imitation has led to interesting theories about memes. For example, various ideas have emerged about the nature of memes, wondering if they are beneficial, neutral, or harmful.


Image credits: Stormodin


Image credits: water_bear7

For example, some scholars say memes may be interpreted as being inherently harmful because they are parasites or viruses of the mind; once assimilated into the human mind, their chief purpose becomes their own replication, with humans having little or no control over them.


Image credits: Osiris077


Some memes, on the other hand, are benign or beneficial but can become dangerous because after they have been seeded in the human mind, they lend themselves to being misused or abused. Consider memes associated with religious or political ideas, for example. They may benefit the people who carry them, but those same memes, when imposed on people whose religious or political memes are different, may cause harm, such as through the loss of religious traditions or social or political stability. 




Image credits: ARNisUsername


Image credits: MJenius-MJ


Image credits: Loisthaflowis


Image credits: Cringeboy420


Image credits: ellelogan




Image credits: MavrickMoreno



Image credits: nicsigni



Image credits: Thers_VV



Image credits: Sir_Galahad_Deschain


Image credits: CryptographerVast964


Image credits: ar2de2



Image credits: RowsAmeores




Image credits: anlyin



Image credits: JeffSho69



Image credits: Kurokenji_


Image credits: bbygurljade


Image credits: AlexToske






Image credits: Kaldruen


Image credits: churbymon


Image credits: unknown



Image credits: deafkitten


Image credits: mynameisminerva


Image credits: reddit.com








Image credits: brownboklit


Image credits: WassupImBL


Image credits: oj_a_s


Image credits: ProtoShotgun





Image credits: lewl




Image credits: anlyin







Image credits: Deanus89


Image credits: DaveedSenpai


Image credits: Hogridergaming1_


Image credits: hrithikbadass







Image credits: Rif02





Image credits: isaacpisaac


Image credits: thotthatcounts



Image credits: 2102nic


Image credits: idea4granted




Image credits: ldom22


Image credits: justjay07


Image credits: gofundmemetoday


Image credits: Shlurkbaby


Image credits: Darxmanx


Image credits: Naughty_Fox_


Image credits: Schmaklette


Image credits: -_-9oook


Image credits: VoidCarnede





Image credits: Nemifly


Image credits: LeoSenior


Image credits: vladrichdemaclant






Image credits: Swerve06




Image credits: LeoSenior


Image credits: Dragongurl392


Image credits: john_ohnivak


Image credits: Elliott_Zx


Image credits: edoardo53


Image credits: ChaferShafer


Image credits: PaleRider94


Image credits: bijuu-psycho9


Image credits: K1RUZA


Image credits: manamejeff77


Image credits: ROCKETSYT


Image credits: HLewez


Image credits: incopitent-axalotl


Image credits: RegularNoodles



Image credits: iGotEDfromAComercial



Image credits: zweifel


Image credits: uwaiis__


Image credits: Fremen117



Image credits: Kazzle


Image credits: Kazzle




Image credits: anlyin



Image credits: JohnMaley42




Image credits: anlyin




Image credits: Qvistenn


Image credits: Wuuuuman




Image credits: reddit.com



Image credits: CommandoMC




Image credits: poven100




Image credits: JohannIhmL


Image credits: dinzplays


from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/3cGELAi
